Torque testing laboratory

2018 is the next year which brings huge changes and improvements in the PMC machines range. It seems to be like every previous year, but this one is a bit different. Plenty of CNC tools that are working every day have also motivated us to improve the lab section to explore independently new products and solutions. Our target always meant to be the one which is setting the direction on the market. That is also this time. A few weeks ago we have launched our own Torque Test Lab for testing PMC clutches and every other clutch available on the market.

In the beginning, we have concentrated on perfect torque rating display by testing Sachs Performance and Tilton clutches to compare them with producers’ specifications. Now the Lab is ready to show you all torque ratings of every new line PMC sintered clutch discs, pressure plates or flywheels’ friction surfaces. In opposition to others, you are certain that you are choosing the perfect PMC clutch your car requires.

This month we’ve started providing the newest line 5 puck sintered 240mm and 250mm clutch discs for 10×29, 10×35 and 26×35 splines as a replacement piece for each of our conversion kit. In combination with Sachs Performance 243, it makes every PMC kit the Stage II of the torque handling. The clutch like this handle 800Nm (590lb ft) of torque on single-plate! See the offer below: